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제목 : 충남대학교 행정경영 분야 신착(7월28일)학술지 목차정보 안내
  • 센터 : 충남대학교(행정·경영·법학)
  • 등록일 : 2022-08-05
충남대하교 외국학술지지원센터 행정·경영·경제·정치학 분야 학술지 중 7월 28일 입수된 최신학술지의 목차 정보를 안내해 드립니다
아래 학술지 목록 중 이용하시고자 하는 목차가 있으시면 첨부파일을 확인 후 필요한 자료가 있으시면
외국학술지지원센터 홈페이지 상단의 Free Document Delivery Service 항목이나, 메일(fric@cnu.ac.kr), RISS 를 이용하셔서
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요청하신 자료는 바로 발송해드리겠습니다.(※ 발송방법선택: 택배, 일반우편, 기관전송 중 선택)


1 Academy of Management Journal0001-4273652
2 Banker0005-53951731158
3 ВОПРОСЫ ЭКОНОМИКИ (Voprosy Ekonomiki)0042-873620225
4 Comparative European Politics1472-4790201
5 Current History0011-3530120823
6 Current History0011-3530120824
7 Current History0011-3530120825
8 Current History0011-3530120826
9 Defrenois2116-957814226
10 Defrenois2116-957814227
11 Econometric Theory0266-4666383
12 European Journal of International Management1751-6757181
13 Finance a Uver0015-1920722
14 Frontiers in Energy2095-1701162
15 Gazette du Palais0242-639014222
16 Health Security2326-5094203
17 Health Security2326-5094203
18 IMF Economic Review2041-4161702
19 International Journal of Business Performance Management1368-4892233
20 International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Small Business1476-1297461
21 International Journal of Innovation and Learning1471-8197321
22 International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics1756-6517144
23 International Trade by commodity statistics2219-506820216
24 Journal of Economic Issues0021-3624562
25 Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis0022-1090573
26 Journal of Public Policy & Marketing0743-9156413
27 Journal of Sustainable Tourism0966-9582304/6
28 Journal of the History of Economic Thought1053-8372442
29 Justice Quarterly0741-8825393
30 Management Science0025-1909686
31 National Tax Journal0028-0283752
32 PS: Political Science & Politics1049-0965553
33 Pacific Affairs0030-851X952
34 Perspectives on Politics1537-5927202
35 Politicka Ekonomie0032-323320223
36 Politics & Gender1743-923X182
37 Politix0295-23192021136
38 Revue Francaise de Gestion0338-455148304
39 Revue de Droit du Travail1951-015220226
40 Semaine Sociale Lamy0223-463720222007
41 Semaine Sociale Lamy0223-463720222008
42 Urban Geography0272-3638434
43 ドイツ研究 : Deutschstudien(독일연구)1344-1035202256
44 監査役(감사역) 2022737
45 經団連(경단연)2187-1485706
46 警察学論集(경찰학론집)0287-6345757
47 生命保険論集(생명보험론집)1346-71902022219
48 世界經濟 (세계경제)1002-9621456
49 品質(품질)0386-8230523

