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검색결과 목록
열기 A+U 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 A-10 Thunderbolt II (Warthog) Systems Engineering Case Study 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 A.I.P.P.I 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 A/E/C CAD Standard, Release 4.0 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 A3 Altitude Test Facility 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AA- A Software Architecture Aware Environment for Dependable Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AAFES Shopping Center Environmental Assessment 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AANA JOURNAL 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AAPG Bulletin 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AAS photo-bulletin 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AATCC review 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AATI newsletter 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AAVSO Journal 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AAVSO Solar Bulletin 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ab initio Based Modeling of Radiation Effects in Multi-Component Alloys: Final Scientific/Technical Report 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ab Initio Calculations and Synthesis of Sc2InC-Y2InC Solid Solution 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ab Initio Study on Atomic Structures and Physical Properties of CdSe Quantum Nanodots 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ab-Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Molten Ni-Based Superalloys 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ab-Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Molten Ni-Based Superalloys (Preprint) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ab-initio Simulations of Molten Ni Alloys 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Abacus 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Abdominal imaging 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ability of Aerial Tankers to Support Global Engagement 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ability of Wood Fiber Materials to Attenuate Heavy Metals Associated with Highway Runoff 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Abitare 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ABOUT CAMPUS 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Above Water Warfare Command and Control Visual Decision Support Storyboard Prototype. Functional Modeling. Review of AWW C2 Related Reports for Insights to ACWA 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Abrasion Testing of Candidate Outer Layer Fabrics for Lunar EVA Space Suits 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Abrasion-Resistant Concrete Mix Designs for Precast Bridge Deck Panels 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Absolute Heterodyne Interferometer for Strongly Aspherical Mirrors 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Absolute Time Error Calibration of GPS Receivers Using Advanced GPS Simulators 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Abstracts with programs - Geological Society of America 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Abu Ghraib Dairy, Abu Ghraib, Iraq 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AC-130 Employment 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AC-130: The Answer for Marine Corps Close Air Support Problems of Tomorrow 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AC-Induced Bias Potential Effect on Corrosion of Steels 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Academic Emergency Medicine 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Academic therapy 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Academie des Sciences. Comptes Rendus. Mathematique 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Academy and Literature 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Academy Architecture and Architectural Review 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Academy of Management Journal 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Academy of Management Perspectives 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acadiensis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACAM2000(TM): The New Smallpox Vaccine for United States Strategic National Stockpile 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Aging of Concrete: A Literature Review 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Characterization of Full-Scale Reinforced Flexible Pavement Models Using Vibroseis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Corrosion Results for Zinc/Nickel-Plated Automotive Parts Posttreated With Trivalent Chromate Rinse 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Curing and Strength-Modulus Correlation for Lime-Stabilized Soils 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Composites 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Composites 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Composites 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Composites 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Composites (AIM-C) Methodology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Composites (AIM-C). Software Component Delivery Requirements 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Composites. A New Way to Design Composite Structures 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Composites. Robust Design of Composite Structures 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Composites: a Technology Investment Agreement 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials - Industrial Perspectives on Polymer Matrix Composites 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials-Electronics (AIM-E). Delivery Order 0011: Production of Electronic Type-Specific Buckytubes for Next Generation Defense Electronics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Insertion of Materials: Manufacturing and Producibility of Hat Stiffened Structure 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Pavement Testing of Extended-Life Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement Sections 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Testing for Studying Pavement Design and Performance (FY 2003). Evaluation of the Chemical Stabilized Subgrade Soil (CISL Experiment N 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Testing for Studying Pavement Design and Performance (FY 2004): Thin Bonded Rigid Overlay on PCCP and HMA (CISL Experiment No. 13) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated Testing for Studying Pavement Design and Performance (FY 2004): Thin Bonded Rigid Overlay on PCCP and HMA (CISL Experiment No. 13), Summary 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerated UV Test Methods for Encapsulants of Photovoltaic Modules (Presentation) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerating Cogent Confabulation: An Exploration in the Architecture Design Space 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerating MCAE With GPUs 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerating Scientific Discovery, 2007 Annual Report 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerating the Kill Chain via Future Unmanned Aircraft 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acceleration Effects on Fluid-Sediment Interaction 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerator-Based Irradiation Creep of Pyrolytic Carbon Used in TRISO Fuel Particles for the (VHTR) Very Hight Temperature Reactors, (Final Report) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accelerometer-Derived Atmospheric Density from the CHAMP and GRACE Satellites. Version 2.3 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acceptance Sampling using Judgmental and Randomly Selected Samples 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acceptance Tests for Surface Characteristics of Steel Strands in Prestressed Concrete. NCHRP Report 621 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Access Control Design on Highway Interchanges 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accident Investigation at the Swiss Steingletscher Installation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accommodating Obstacle Avoidance in the Weapons Allocation Problem for Tactical Air Defence 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accountability for Information Flow via Explicit Formal Proof 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accountability in Research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accountable Information Flow for Java-Based Web Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accountancy 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting & Finance 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting and business research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting Education 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting history 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting History Review 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting horizons 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting Perspectives 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting Research Journal 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting standards , Original pronouncements 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting, auditing, & accountability 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting, management, and information technologies 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounting, organizations and society 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accounts of chemical research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accreditation and Quality Assurance 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accuracy Analysis for Kinetic Modeling of Homogeneous Condensation in Plumes 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accuracy Improvement of Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accuracy Model for Phase Noise Measurements 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accuracy of Cs Beam Primary Frequency Standards 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accuracy of Gradient Reconstruction on Grids with High Aspect Ratio 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accuracy of Polyester Subrope Damage Detection by ROV Inspection and Assessment of Remaining Rope Strength and Life 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accurate Characterization of Free Carrier Refraction in InP (Postprint) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accurate Delay Calibration for Two-Way Time Transfer Earth Stations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accurate Dynamic Response Predictions of Plug-and-Play Sat I 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accurate Flow Prediction for Store Separation from Internal Bay 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accurate Methods for Large Molecular Systems (Postprint) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accurate Modeling of Ionospheric Electromagnetic Fields Generated by a Low-Altitude VLF Transmitter 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accurate Representation of Attenuation in Large-Signal Helix TWT Simulation Codes 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Accurate Time/Frequency Transfer Method Using Bi-Directional WDM Transmission 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Achieving a Risk-Informed Decision-Making Environment at NASA: The Emphasis of NASA's Risk Management Policy 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Achieving Alignment: An Analysis of Enterprise Architecture Best Practices within the United States Air Force 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Achieving an Optimal Medium Altitude UAV Force Balance in Support of COIN Operations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Achieving Increased Mobility and Autonomy for Ground Vehicles Over Rough Terrain 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Achieving Persistent Surveillance Through the Use of Lighter-Than-Air Vehicles as Theater Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Assets 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Achieving Reusability and Composability with a Simulation Conceptual Model 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Achieving Shared Situational Awareness During Steady-State Operations in New York State: A Model for Success 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Achieving the Potential of Materials Prognosis for Turbine Engines 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Achilles' Head: Understanding the Challenges in Implementing Dependable and Secure Deeply Networked Military Embedded Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACI manual of concrete practice 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACI materials journal 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACI structural journal 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acid-Assisted Consolidation of Silver Alloys for Direct Fillings 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acid-Sulfate-Weathering Activity in Shergottite Sites on Mars Recorded in Grim Glasses 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM Computing Surveys 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM journal on emerging technologies in computing systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM SIGPLAN Notices 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on applied perception 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on architecture and code optimization 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on Asian language information processing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on computational logic 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on computer systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on database systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on embedded computing systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on graphics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM Transactions on Information and system Security 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on information systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on Internet technology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on mathematical software 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on multimedia computing communications and applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on office information systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on programming languages and systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on sensor networks 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACM transactions on speech and language processing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acm transactions on storage 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic and Visual Monitoring for Cetaceans Along the Outer Washington Coast 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Beamforming: Mapping Sources of Truck Noise. NCHRP Report 635 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Characteristics of a Model Isolated Tiltrotor in DNW 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Detection of Railcar Roller Bearing Defects: Phase I, Laboratory Test 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data Processing System Manual 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Emission Testing of In-service Conventionally Reinforced Concrete Deck Girder Superstructures on Highway Bridges 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Excitation of Liquid Fuel Droplets and Coaxial Jets 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Image Models for Navigation with Forward-Looking Sonars 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Issues in Human Spaceflight 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Measurements of Tiny Optically Active Bubbles in the Upper Ocean 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Nondestructive Testing of Steel Reinforcing Members in Concrete 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Performance of Novel Fan Noise Reduction Technologies for a High Bypass Model Turbofan at Simulated Flights Conditions 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Scattering from Sand Dollars (Dendraster excentricus): Modeling as High Aspect Ratio Oblate Objects and Comparison to Experiment 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Seaglider(trademark) for Beaked Whale Detection 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Sensor Network Design for Position Estimation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Signatures of Proud and Buried Mine-like Objects and Their Temporal Variation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic Vector-Sensor Array Processing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustic-Structure Interaction in Rocket Engines: Validation Testing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustical holography; 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustical imaging 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustical Physics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustics abstracts 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acoustics today 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACPA Profiler Repeatability Tests, 2005 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acquiring, Analyzing, and Using Complete Three-Dimensional Aggregate Shape Information 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acquisition and T&E M&S Practitioners Panel 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acquisition Challenges in the United Kingdom, Defense Acquisition in Transition, Volume 1, 13-14 May 2009 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acquisition of a Magneto-Optical Cryostat for Measurements of Thermal Conductivity in High Magnetic Fields 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acquisition of the Air Force Second Generation Wireless Local Area Network 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acquisition of the B-1 Fully Integrated Data Link 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acquisition Process for the Management of Nontechnical Risks Associated with Software Development 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acquisition Reform -- Inside the Silver Bullet. A Comparative Analysis - - JDAM versus F-22 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Archive User Meeting Summary (October 30, 2007) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Ingest Software Status: New Current, and Future (February 2007) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Ingest Software Status: New, Current, and Future (June 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Ingest Software Status: New, Current, and Future (May 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Ingest Software Status: New, Current, and Future (Revision 4) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Ingest Software Status: New, Current, and Future (Revision 5). (March 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Ingest Software Status: New, Current, and Future. Revision 6 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status and Information 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status and Information 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status and Information August 2009 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status and Information July 2009 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status and Information, May 2009 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status and Information, September 2009 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New Current, and Future (April 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New Current, and Future (February 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New Current, and Future (March 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New Current, and Future (May 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (August 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (December 2007-January 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (July 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (June 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (November 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (November-December 2007) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (October 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (October-November 2007) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (September 2008) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future (September-October 2007) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future. (February 2009) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future. (January 2009) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACRF Instrumentation Status: New, Current, and Future. (March 2009) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACS Combinatorial Science 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACSM bulletin 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACT Payload Shroud Structural Concept Analysis and Optimization 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACTA ACUSTICA -PEKING- 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Acustica united with Acustica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Albertina Ratisbonensia 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Alimentaria 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACTA ANALYTICA 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta archaeologica academiae scientiarum hungaricae 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta arithmetica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Borealia 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta chemica Scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta chemica Scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta chemica Scandinavica Organic chemistry and biochemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta chemica Scandinavica Physical and inorganic chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Chirurgica Belgica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta classica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Crystallographica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta crystallographica : index, section A & section B 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Crystallographica Section A 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Crystallographica Section B 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Crystallographica Section C 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Crystallographica Section D 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta crystallographica Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta cytologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta ethnologica et linguistica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACTA ETHOLOGICA 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Geochimica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Geologica Sinica - English Edition 상세보기 [상세보기]
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열기 Acta Horticulturae 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta linguistica Hungarica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Literaria 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta materialia 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta mathematica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta mathematica Hungarica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Mathematica Sinica -English Edition- 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Metallurgia 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta metallurgica et materialia 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta meteorologica Sinica = 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta musicologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta neurochirurgica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Neurochirurgica. Supplementum 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta neurologica Scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta neurologica Scandinavica.Supplementum 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta neuropathologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta numerica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta oceanographica Taiwanica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta oceanologica Sinica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta odontologica scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta oeconomica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Oncologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta orientalia 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Orthopaedica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Orthopaedica Belgica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta orthopaedica Scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta oto-laryngologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta oto-laryngologica.Supplement 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta paediatrica Supplement 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Parasitologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Physica Hungarica. A. Heavy Ion Physics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Physica Polonica A 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Physiologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta physiologica Scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta politica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta polymerica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica.Supplementum 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta psychologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta radiologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta radiologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta radiologica Diagnosis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta scientiarum mathematicarum 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta slavica iaponica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta sociologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Tropica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ACTA VIROLOGICA 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acta Zoologica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Actes semiotiques bulletin 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Actes semiotiques-documents 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acting on Lessons Learned: A NASA Glenn Acoustics Branch Perspective 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Actinic EUV Mask Inspection Beyond 0.25 NA 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Action Plan for Performance Based Seismic Design: Executive Summary 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Actionable Cultural Understanding for Support to Tactical Operations (ACUSTO): Toward a New Methodological Template for Spatial Decision Support System 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Actions Needed To Improve Safety Oversight and Security at Aircraft Repair Stations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Actions Needed to Minimuze Long, On-Board Flight Delays 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Actions, Observations, and Decision-Making: Biologically Inspired Strategies for Autonomous Aerial Vehicles 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activated Carbon Composites for Air Separation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activated Corrosion Product Analysis. Analytical Approach 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active and Passive Control of Supersonic Wakes: Numerical Investigations using DNS and LES 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Assembly for Large-Scale Manufacturing of Integrated Nanostructures 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Camouflage of Underwater Assets (ACUA) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Computation for Network ATR Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Control of High Reynolds Number Supersonic Jets Using Plasma Actuators 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Control of Nuclear-Enhanced Radiation Belts 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Costorage of Cryogenic Propellants for Exploration 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Creation of Instrinsically Localized Vibrations in Uranium Using X-Ray and Neutron Scattering 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Damping Using Distributed Anisotropic Actuators 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Flow Control at Low Reynolds Numbers on a NACA 0015 Airfoil 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Noise Control for Acoustic Sensors 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Noise Control Technical Issues 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Tagging Non-Destructive Evaluation Techniques for Full-Scale Structural Composite Elements 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Tails Enhance Arboreal Acrobatics in Geckos 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active Vision Computational Model of Visual Search for Human- Computer Interaction 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Active-Vision Control Systems for Complex Adversarial 3-D Environments 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activities and Plans of the Time and Frequency Division of the National Bureau of Standards 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activities and Updates at the State Time and Frequency Standard of Russia 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activities of foreign affiliates in OECD countries 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activities on Time and Frequency at Shanghai Observatory 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activity Recognition and Monitoring Using Multiple Sensors on Different Body Positions 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activity report 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activity report of Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Activity-Driven Model for an Interactional Notion of Context 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Actualité juridique famille 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Actuel Marx 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acuity 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acustica 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Acute Effects of an Alternative Electronic-Control-Device Waveform in Swine 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ad Hoc Network Architecture for Multi-Media Networks 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ad-Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Ada 2005 on .NET and Mobile and Embedded Devices 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ADA Checklist for Polling Places 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ADAAS(Automated Data Access and Analysis System). Program Documentation Manual 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adagio 2.9 User's Guide 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adamantius 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptation and adoption of technologies: Examination of the User Request Evaluation Tool (URET) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptation of the Minimum HF Propagation Prediction Program to the TI-59 Calculator 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adapted Maximum-Likelihood Gaussian Models for Numerical Optimization with Continuous EDA's 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adapted physical activity quarterly 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adapting the RoboCup Simulation for Autonomous Vehicle Team Information Fusion and Decision Making Experimentation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Algorithm to Evaluate Clock Performance in Real Time 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Anomaly Detection using Isolation Forest 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Approach to Vision-Based Formation Control 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Attitude Control of the Crew Launch Vehicle 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Automation for Human Supervision of Multiple Uninhabited Vehicles: Effects on Change Detection, Situation Awareness, and Mental Workload 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Automation for Human-Robot Teaming in Future Command and Control Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Bandwidth Management and QoS Provisioning in Large Scale Ad Hoc Networks 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Control of a Class of MIMO Nonlinear Systems in the Presence of Additive Input and Output Disturbances 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Control of a Transport Aircraft Using Differential Thrust 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Control of Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication Processes (Preprint) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Control of Small Outboard-Powered Boats for Survey Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Control Of Woofer-Tweeter Adaptive Optics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Control, Wide Speed Range Flight, and Deconfliction 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Coordinated Control of Intelligent Multi-Agent Teams 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Delegation Interfaces (ADI) for Improved Situation Awareness and Reduction of Workload in Controlling Multiple Unmanned Vehicles (UV) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Design of Visual Perception Experiments 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Fault Detection on Liquid Propulsion Systems with Virtual Sensors: Algorithms and Architectures 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Filter Techniques for Optical Beam Jitter Control and Target Tracking 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Flight Control Design with Optimal Control Modification on an F-18 Aircraft Model 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Flight Control for Aircraft Safety Enhancements 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Focal Plane Array: A Compact Spectral Imaging Sensor (BRIEFING CHARTS) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Gravitational Gossip: A Gossip-Based Communication Protocol with User-Selectable Rates 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Lifting Schemes with Perfect Reconstruction 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Long-Term Monitoring at Environmental Restoration Sites (ER- 0629) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Models and Fusion Algorithms for Information Exploitation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Multi-Modal Data Mining and Fusion for Autonomous Intelligence Discovery 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Multi-Modality Inverse Scattering for Targets Embedded in General Stochastic Environments 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Multi-Sensor Interrogation of Targets Embedded in Complex Environments 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling of UH-60A Pilot Vibration 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Optics Photometry and Astrometry of Binary Stars. III. A Faint Companion Search of O-Star Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Photonic Phase Locked Elements: An Overview (BRIEFING CHARTS) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Power Control for Space Communications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation of a Multi-Agent Robotic System 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Synthetic Vision 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Test Case Execution in Practice 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Vision-Based Approach to Decentralized Formation Control 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Voting Algorithms for the Reliable Dissemination of Data in Fault-Prone Distributed Environments 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive Wavelets for Image Compression Using Update Lifting: Quantisation and Error Analysis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adaptive, Integrated Guidance and Control Design for Line-of-Sight Based Formation Flight 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addendum to Engineering Evaluation of the Proposed Alternative Salt Transfer Method for the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Oak Ridge National L 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addendum to the 1976 Coastal Area Management Land Development Plan, Pamlico County, North Carolina 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addiction 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addiction Biology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addiction Research & Theory 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addictive behaviors 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adding a Freight Network to a National Interstate Input-Output Model: Implications for California 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adding Weather to Your Simulation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addition of EM Field Propagation and Coupling Effects in the BLT Equation. Revision 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Additional Analysis of the ESTCP Discrimination Study Data at Camp Sibert, Alabama. Project 200504: Practical Discrimination Strategies for Application to Live Sites 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Additional Cost Transparency and Design Criteria Needed for National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Projects 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Additional Research on Instabilities in Atmospheric Flow Systems Associated with Clear Air Turbulence 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Additive Manufacturing of Aerospace Alloys for Aircraft Structures 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Additive Manufacturing of Superalloys for Aerospace Applications (Preprint) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Additonal Improvements Needed to Strengthen NIST's Information Security Program 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addressing Safety Through Evaluation and Optimization of Permeable Friction Course Mixtures 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addressing Special Structure in the Relevance Feedback Learning Problem through Aspect-Based Image Search 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addressing the Limit of Detectability of Residual Oxide Discontinuities in Friction Stir Butt Welds of Aluminum using Phased Array Ultrasound 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Addressing Uncertainty in Signal Propagation and Sensor Performance Predictions 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adequacy of Federal Sentencing Guideline Penalties for Computer Fraud and Vandalism Offenses (as directed by section 805 of Public Law 104-132). Report to the Congress 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adhesion Testing Procedure for Hot-Poured Crack Sealants 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adhesive Anchors in Concrete Under Sustained Loading Conditions. National Cooperative Highway Research Program 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adhesive Anchors in Concrete Under Sustained Loading Conditions. NCHRP Report 639 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adhesive Viscoelastic Response to Surfaces with Tailored Surface Chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adhoc Wireless Network Control: Energy Efficiency and Hidden Terminal Considerations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adjacent Precast Concrete Box Beam Bridges: Connection Details. A Synthesis of Highway Practice 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adjoint Sensitivities of Time-Periodic Nonlinear Structural Dynamics via Model Reduction 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adjoint-Based Design of Rotors using the Navier-Stokes Equations in a Noninertial Reference Frame 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adjustable Microchip Ring Trap for Cold Atoms and Molecules 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 ADL Registry and CORDRA. Volume 1: General Overview 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Administration 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Administration & society 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Administrative law review 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Administrative science quarterly 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adopting Emerging Technology to Enhance Organizational Performance 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adoption of Engineered Wood Products in Alaska 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adsorption 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adsorption and Electrothermal Desorption of Organic Vapors Using Activated Carbon Adsorbents With Novel Morphologies 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adsorption of Water on Simulated Moon Dust Samples 상세보기 [상세보기]
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열기 Adult Pink Salmon Migratory Barriers and Habitat Utilization in the Dungeness River 상세보기 [상세보기]
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열기 Advanced Alarm Systems: Revision of Guidance and Its Technical Basis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Algorithm for Optimal Sensor-Target and Weapon-Target Pairings in Dynamic Collaborative Engagement 상세보기 [상세보기]
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열기 Advanced Battery Technology for Electric Two-Wheelers in the People's Republic of China 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Building Efficiency Testbed Initiative/Intelligent Workplace Energy Supply System; ABETI/IWESS 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Cast Aluminum Alloys 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Catalysis Technologies: Lanthanum Cerium Manganese Hexaaluminate Combustion Catalysts for Flat Plate Reactor for Compact Steam Reformers 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced cement based materials 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Ceramic Composites for Improved Thermal Management in Molten Aluminum Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Chemical Propulsion 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Combustion Systems for Next Generation Gas Turbines. (Final Report, June 2002-December 2005) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Command Destruct System (ACDS) Enhanced Flight Termination System (EFTS) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Command Destruct System (ACDS) Enhanced Flight Termination System (EFTS) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Composite Materials 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Composite Materials in New England's Transportation Infrastructure: Technology Transfer Phase I Selection of Prototype 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Computational and Experimental Techniques for Nacelle Liner Performance Evaluation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Computational Dynamics Simulation of Protective Structures Research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Computational Techniques for Materials-by-Design 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Computational Techniques for Materials-by-Design 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Computational Techniques for the Design of Deformation Processes 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Computing Architectures for Cognitive Processing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Computing Architectures for High Performance Computing Engineering Integration 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Concrete Pavement Technology (ACPT) Products Program: ACPT Products Marketing Plan 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Concrete Pavement Technology (ACPT) Program: A Status Report on Available Products 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Crew Escape Suits (ACES): Particle Impact Test 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Curvature Deformable Mirrors 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Cyber Attack Modeling Analysis and Visualization 상세보기 [상세보기]
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열기 Advanced Electric Systems and Aerodynamics for Efficiency Improvements in Heavy Duty Trucks 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Electron Guns and Depressed Collectors Design and Optimization Using the MICHELLE / ANALYST Environment 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Energy Materials 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Engineering Materials 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Field Data Acquisition Techniques for Contaminated Site Characterization 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Fire Protection Deluge System Research Project 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Framework for Battlespace Environment Data Assimilation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Fuel Cell System Thermal Management for NASA Exploration Missions 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Fuel Cell Technology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Functional Materials 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Guided Weapon Testbed (AGWT) at the Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Directorate 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Hybrid Cooling Loop Technology for High Performance Thermal Management 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Hybrid Modeling of Hall Thruster Plumes 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Hybrid On-Board Science Data Processor - SpaceCube 2.0 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Integrated Power System - Programmatic Review (Briefing Slides) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Integration of Multi-Scale Mechanics and Welding Process Simulation in Weld Integrity Assessment, (Final) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced IR System For Supersonic Boundary Layer Transition Flight Experiment 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Life Support Project Plan 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Life Support Systems Integration, Modeling, and Analysis Reference Missions Document 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Low Conductivity Thermal Barrier Coatings: Performance and Future Directions 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Low Conductivity Thermal Barrier Coatings: Performance and Future Directions (Invited paper) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Lubrication for Energy Efficiency, Durability and Lower Maintenance Costs of Advanced Naval Components and Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Materials for Mercury 50 Gas Turbine Combustion System, (Final Report) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Materials for Military Ground Platforms 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Materials for Military Ground Platforms 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Materials Research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Testing Information Analysis Center 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Mathematical Methods for Processing Large Data Sets 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Mating System Development for Space Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Membrane Separation Technology for Biosolvents. Final CRADA Report 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Metalworking Solutions for Naval Systems that go in Harm's Way 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Metalworking Solutions for Naval Systems That Go in Harm's Way 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Metalworking Solutions for Naval Systems that Go in Harm's Way 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Method of Boundary-Layer Control Based on Localized Plasma Generation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Micro Ring Resonator Filter Technology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Monitoring to Improve Combustion Turbine/Combined Cycle Reliability, Availability & Maintainability. Final Report (October 1, 2001-September 30, 2005) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Mud System for Microhole Coiled Tubing Drilling 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Multifunction RF Concept (AMRFC) Test Bed 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Nanocrystalline Ceramic Matrix Composites with Improved Toughness 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Noise Control Fan Aerodynamic Performance 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Non-Equilibrium Modelling for Hypersonic Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Non-Linear Control Algorithms Applied to Design Highly Maneuverable Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Photonics Technology for Transportation Security and Safety 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Plasma Etching of Complex Combinations of III-V Heterostructures 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Power Electronic Interfaces for Distributed Energy Systems, Part 2: Modeling, Development, and Experimental Evaluation of Advanced Control Functions for Single-Phase Utility-Connected Inverter 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Pressure Boundary Materials 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Quality Systems: Probabilistic Optimization for Profit (Prob.O.Prof) Software Documentation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Quantitative Robust Control Engineering: New Solutions for Automatic Loop-Shaping for SISO and MIMO Systems. Part 1: SISO Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Radiometry for High Discrimination Explosive Fireball Discrimination 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Robot Locomotion 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Robotics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Robust STAP Algorithms and Fast Performance Evaluation Techniques Based on Rare Event Theory 상세보기 [상세보기]
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열기 Advanced SensingTowards Improved Forklift Safety 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Simulation and Computing FY09-FY10 Implementation Plan, Volume 2, Revision 0.5 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Simulation and Computing FY09-FY10 Implementation Plan, Volume 2, Revision 1 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Simulation and Computing FY10-FY11 Implementation Plan, Volume 2, Revision 0.5 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Simulation and Computing: FY10-11 Implementation Plan, Volume 2, Rev. 0 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Solid State Sensors for Vision 21 Systems. (Final Report, September 11, 2001-December 31, 2004) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Space Fission Propulsion Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Space Suit Insulation Feasibility Study 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Space Surveillance System 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Space-Based Detector Research at the Air Force Research Laboratory 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Spall Repair Methods and Equipment 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Spectroscopic and Thermal Imaging Instrumentation for Shock Tube and Ballistic Range Facilities 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Stirling Convertor Testing at NASA Glenn Research Center 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Systems and Concepts Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations. ISR Task Force II 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Tabu Search Approach to Solving the Mixed Payload Airlift Load Planning Problem 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Technology Program Can Benefit From Financial and Management Improvements 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Textile Laminates for Chemical Biological Protective Clothing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Traffic Technology Test-Bed 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Transportation Institute 2008 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Transportation Institute 2009 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Turbine Systems: Advancing the Gas Turbine Power Industry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Underwater Imaging 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Unstructured Grid Generation for Complex Aerodynamic Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Vehicles Group: Center for Transportation Technologies and Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Visualization and Interactive Displays (AVID) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Water-Gas Shift Membrane Reactor. Final Technical Report, 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2007 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advanced Waveform Simulation for Seismic Monitoring Events 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancement and Implementation of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Aerospace Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancement of Infrasound Propagation Calculation Techniques Using Mesoscale Atmospheric and Terrain Specifications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancement of Reference-free Diagnosis for Aging Aircraft Monitoring 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancements in Depleted Uranium Catchbox Designs for Ballistic Test Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancements in Dual-Pump Broadband CARS for Supersonic Combustion Measurements 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancements in Steel for Weight Reduction of P900 Armor Plate 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancements Toward Oil-Free Rotorcraft Propulsion 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in accounting 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in anatomy, embryology and cell biology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Anisotropic Materials for Optical Switching 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Applied Ceramics: Structural, Functional and Bioceramics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in applied mathematics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances In Applied Mathematics And Mechanics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in applied mechanics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in applied microeconomics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in applied probability 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Archaeological Practice 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in astronomy and astrophysics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Autism 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Autonomy for Small UGVs 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in bioethics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in business marketing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in business marketing and purchasing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in calculus of variations. 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in carbocation chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in catalysis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in catalysis and related subjects 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in child development and behavior 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in chromatography 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in computers 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Concentrating Solar Power Collectors: Mirrors and Solar Selective Coatings. Held in Scottsdal, AZ on October 10, 2007 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in consumer research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in cycloaddition 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in dental research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in developmental policy studies 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Difference Equations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in differential equations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Dual Diagnosis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in early education and day care 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Econometrics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in enzyme reulation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in experimental social psychology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in gender research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Group Filter Applications to Sea Mine Detection 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in group processes 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in health economics and health services research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in heterocyclic chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in hydroscience 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in information processing in organizations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in inorganic chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in insect physiology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in International Marketing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in investments analysis and portfolio management 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Life Course Research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in low-temperature plasma chemistry, technology, applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in management accounting 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Materials Research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances In Materials Science And Engineering 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Mathematics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Mechanisms Supporting Data Collection on Future Force Networks: Product Manager C4ISR On-the-Move 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in medical sociology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in metal-organic chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Modeling and Simulation of Rotorcraft Noise and Associated Impacts on Survivability 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in molecular modeling 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in molecular relaxation and interaction processes 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in molecular relaxation processes 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in motivation and achievement 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in nonprofit marketing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Nursing Science 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Optics and Photonics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in organometallic chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Pacific Basin business, economics, and finance 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in parasitology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in photochemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in physical organic chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in physics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in physiology education 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in physiotherapy 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in program evaluation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Race and Ethnicity in Education 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in School Mental Health Promotion 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in SiC Power Technology (BRIEFING CHARTS) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in SiC/SiC Composites for Aerospace Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in solid-state chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in sonochemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in space research 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in special education 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Special Education Technology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in strategic management 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in supramolecular chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
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열기 Advances in Synchrotron Radiation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in taxation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in the Characterization of Supercooled Clouds for Aircraft Icing Applications 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in the Consolidated Storm Prediction for Aviation (CoSPA) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in the economic analysis of participatory and labor-managed firms 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in the economics of energy and resources 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in the Integration of Large Data Sets for Seismic Monitoring of Nuclear Explosions 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in the study of behavior 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in the use of synthons in organic chemistry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in theoretically interesting molecules 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Time and Frequency Transfer From Dual-Frequency GPS Pseudorange and Carrier-Phase Observations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Time-Scale Algorithms 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in Vessel and Aircraft Technologies 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advances in x-ray analysis 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing Aeronatucial Safety: A Review of Nasa's Aviation Safety-Related Research Programs 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing Aeronautics: A Decision Framework for Selecting Research Agendas 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing Aircraft Noise Impacts Research: A White Paper 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing Autonomy on Man Portable Robots 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing Migratory Bird Conservation and Management by Using Radar: An Interagency Collaboration 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing NASA's Satellite Control Capabilities: More than Just Better Technology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing Sino-U.S. Space Cooperation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing State-of-the-Art Unsteady, Multidisciplinary Rotorcraft Simulations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing Surveillance Test Technologies 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing the Competitiveness and Efficiency of the U.S. Construction Industry 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advancing the State-of-the-Art in Intelligent Systems: Scientific Rigor in Our Methods of Experimentation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advantages of Commercial Satellites versus Military Satellites 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adventures in experimental physics 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Adversarial Intent Modeling Using Embedded Simulation and Temporal Bayesian Knowledge Bases 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advertising Age 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advising People About Cooperatives 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Advisory and Assistance Services Contracts in Support of the Air Force Combat Search and Rescue Helicopter (REDACTED) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AE Master Plans: A Tool for Ensuring Explosives Safety Compliance 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AEDC Capability to Perform Environmentally Safe Disposal of Solid- Propellant Rocket Motors 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AEGIS and Ship Self-Defense System (SSDS) Platforms: Using KVA Analysis, Risk Simulation and Strategic Real Options to Assess Operational Effectiveness 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AEGIS Platforms: The Potential Impact of Open Architecture in Sustaining Engineering 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aequationes mathematicae 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerating Infuser for Increasing Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeration of Reservoirs and Releases Using TVA Porous Hose Line Diffuser 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerial Command and Control of Unmanned Aircraft Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerial Explorers and Robotic Ecosystems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerial Multi-Axis Platform (AMP) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerial Photography and Maps of the Missouri River: Ponca State Park, Nebraska to St. Louis, Missouri 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerial Remote Radio Frequency Identification System for Small Vessel Monitoring 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerial-Photographic Assessment of Reenacted Handcart Treks on a Section of the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail, Fremont County, Wyoming 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aero-Heating of Shallow Cavities in Hypersonic Freestream Flow 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aero-Mechanical Coupling in a High-Speed Compressor 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aero-Optic Effects of a Wing Tip Vortex 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aero-Optic Measurements Using a Laser-Induced Air Breakdown Beacon (PrePrint) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aero-Optics Code Development: Experimental Databases and AVUS Code Improvements 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aero-Structural Assessment of an Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aero-Thermal Calibration of the NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel (2004 and 2005 Tests) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeroacoustic Testing of Wind Turbine Airfoils: February 20, 2004 - February 19, 2008 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerobiologia 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerocapture Guidance and Performance at Mars for High-Mass Systems 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerocapture Technologies 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Analyses and Database Development for Ares I Vehicle First Stage Separation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Analyses and Database Development for Lift-Off/Transition and First Stage Ascent of the Ares I A106 Vehicle 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic and Flight Dynamic Characteristics of 5.56-mm Ammunition: M855 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing with Unswept Quarter-Chord Line, Aspect Ratio 2, Taper Ratio 0.78, and NACA 65A004 Airfoil Section - Transonic Bump Method 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing with Unswept Quarter-Chord Line, Aspect Ratio 4, Taper Ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A004 Airfoil Section - Transonic- Bump Method 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Characterization of a Modern Launch Vehicle 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Design of a Dual-Flow Mach 7 Hypersonic Inlet System for a Turbine-Based Combined-Cycle Hypersonic Propulsion System 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Effects and Modeling of Damage to Transport Aircraft 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Effects of Oversized Tires and Modified Landing Gear on a Small Utility Airplane 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Effects of Passing Trains to Surrounding Objects and People 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Force Characteristics at High Speeds of a Full-Scale Horizontal Fail Surface Tested in the Langley 16-foot High-Speed Tunnel 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Investigation of Smart Flying Wing MAV 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Performance Predictions of a SA- 2 Missile Using Missile DATCOM 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Predictions, Comparisons, and Validations Using MissileLab and Missile Datcom (97) 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Simulation of Runback Ice Accretion 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamic Validation of Emerging Projectile and Missile Configurations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity Calculations of Flapping Motion for Micro Air Vehicle 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamics Characteristics of Butterfly Flight through Measurement of Three-Dimensional Unsteady Velocity Field using TR-PIV System 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamics for the Mars Phoenix Entry Capsule 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamics of a Slightly Yawing Supersonic Cone 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerodynamics: The Wright Way 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeroelastic Optimization of Sounding Rocket Fins 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeroelastic Scaling of a Joined Wing Aircraft Concept 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeroelastic Scaling of a Joined Wing Sensorcraft Concept 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeroelastic Stability of the LCTR2 Civil Tiltrotor 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeroelasticity Benchmark Assessment: Subsonic Fixed Wing Program 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerofoil Theory of a Flat Delta Wing at Supersonic Speeds 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeroheating Mapping to Thermal Model for Autonomous Aerobraking Capability 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerojet - AJ10-137 Apollo Service Module Engine, Chapter 5, Appendix G 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerojet - Attitude Control Engines, Chapter 3, Appendix E 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeromechanics Analysis of a Compound Helicopter 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeromechanics Analysis of a Heavy Lift Slowed-Rotor Compound Helicopter 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeromechanics and Aeroacoustics Predictions of the Boeing-SMART Rotor Using Coupled-CFD/CSD Analyses 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautical Design Standard Performance Specification Handling Qualities Requirements For Military Rotorcraft 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautical Information Manual: Official Guide to Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures, February 11, 2010 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautical Information Publication, United States of America. Twentieth Edition, March 12, 2009 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautical Information Publication, United States of America. Twenty-First Edition, March 10, 2011 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautical Sciences Advanced Studies Program. Delivery Order 0002: Plasma Modeling Program 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautics and Astronautics: An American Chronology of Science and Technology in the Exploration of Space 1915-1960 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautics and Space Report of the President, Fiscal Year 1995 Activities 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautics and Space Report of the President, Fiscal Year 2004 Activities 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautics and Space Report of the President, Fiscal Year 2006 Activities 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Integrated Systems Research Program (ISRP) and UAS Integration in the NAS Project 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerosol Beam Focused-Laser Induced Plasma Spectrometer (ABF-LIPS) Continuous Emissions Multi-Metals Analyzer. Cost and Performance Report: WP- 0213 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerosol Sampling: Comparison of Two Rotating Impactors for Field Droplet Sizing and Volumetric Measurements 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerosol science and technology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AEROSPACE -LONDON- 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace America 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace Applications of Adjoint Theory 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace Engineering & Manufacturing 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace Guidance and Metrology Center (AGMC) Inertial Navigation/Calibration/Precise Time and Frequency Capabilities 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace Integration, Not Separation 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium (4Oth). Held in Cocoa Beach, Florida on May 12-14, 2010 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace Payloads Leak Test Methodology 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel Annual Report 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel Report 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerospace Toxicology: An Overview 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerostat Sampling of PCDD/PCDF Emissions from the Gulf Oil Spill In Situ Burns 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerothermal Testing for Project Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerothermodynamic Characteristics of Boundary Layer Transition and Trip Effectiveness of the HIFiRE Flight 5 Vehicle 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aerothermodynamic Testing of the Crew Exploration Vehicle in the LaRC 20-Inch Mach 6 and 31-Inch Mach 10 Tunnels 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AES 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AES :journal of the Audio Engineering Society 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 AESOP DRI: An Integrated Modeling and Observational Study of Three- Dimensional Upper Ocean Boundary Layer Dynamics and Parameterizations 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aesthetic plastic surgery 상세보기 [상세보기]
열기 Aesthetics 상세보기